
Publié le 11/02/2022

European Prize for Urban Public Space 2022

The CCCB is announcing the call for the European Prize for Urban Public Space, a prime observatory of European cities that recognizes the best works to create, recover, transform and improve public spaces in Europe.

In times like the present, when cities around the world are facing new challenges-climate-related, technological and social—the value of public space is perhaps more significant than ever before. Accordingly, the European Prize for Urban Public Space aims to recognise and make known a wide array of works creating, recovering, and improving public space in European cities.


Works for the creation, restoration or improvement of public space completed between January 1, 2018 and December 31, 2021 (both included) located within the geographical scope of the Council of Europe are eligible for the Award.

The list of countries that make up the Council of Europe can be consulted at this link:

Due to the fact that some urban interventions have very long execution terms, if the work has not been fully completed during the indicated period, it will still be eligible for the Award if it has enough execution phases completed, so that the urban impact of the whole action can be assessed.

The works may be submitted by the authors or by the promoters, with the assumption that there is the consent of both parties in the registration and inclusion of the respective personal data.


1st round: Selected works and finalists

This first round opens the call for nominations for the European Prize for Urban Public Space for the recognition of two categories of work:

Selected works: the jury will evaluate all the entries registered and select the 25 most highly rated proposals that will be recognized as such in the dissemination of the Award.
Finalist works: from the selected works, the jury will select five finalists that will go on to the second round.
These rules and the other complementary documents are available on the Prize website Submission to the Prize implies the acceptance of the entire content of the rules by the participant.

Form of presentation

Entries must be submitted exclusively telematically, using the electronic form available on the Award's web platform:

The submitter may modify and complete the registration form as many times as he/she wishes until the registration process is completed. In the event that the same submitter presents more than one work, an online registration process must be carried out for each of the works. Detailed instructions on how to register can be found in the registration guide available on the Award website.


At the time of registration, the following information must be included:

Title of the work, in the original language and its English translation.
Technical specifications of the work.
Credits: authors, promoters.
A minimum of 10 and a maximum of 20 digital images (photographs, drawings and plans), in .jpg or .png format with a minimum length of 2000px on its long side and a maximum weight of 3MB per image.
Descriptive report in English divided into four chapters: state prior to the work, object of the intervention, description of the intervention and final assessment. Each chapter should be between 800 and 1200 characters long with spaces.


Entries may be submitted from April 20, 2022 at 12:00 noon until May 17, 2022 at 12:00 noon.

2nd round: Awarded works

Only the five finalists resulting from the first round will participate in this phase. They will make a presentation in front of the jury in order to open a debate between the authors of each proposal and the members of the jury. This presentation will take place at a public event, as part of the activities to be held prior to the award ceremony of the eleventh edition of the Prize. Once the jury's deliberation has been completed, the results of the voting and the winning works (winner and mentions) will be made public.


The jury reserves the right to ask each finalist for additional information in order to properly evaluate the selection of the winners. Depending on the quality of the material included, finalists may be contacted to provide high-resolution images and further documentation.

The finalist teams will make a presentation to the jury, which should include all the material deemed necessary for a correct understanding of the work.


20 april : Start of registration
17 may : Closing of registration
14/15 july : Jury meeting to select 20 projects and 5 finalists
18 july : Presentation of the finalists' works
14-16 november : 1st session: Presentation of the finalists' works in front of the jury at a públic event at the CCCB
                              2nd session: Jury's final deliberation and award ceremony


Participation in the call for applications implies full acceptance of its terms and conditions and subjection to the following legal terms. Therefore, the participants:

Guarantee that they meet the requirements to participate in the call.
In the case of submitting the application on behalf of a legal entity or group, they guarantee that they are duly authorized to act on their behalf.
They warrant that they hold all rights, including (but not limited to) intellectual property rights. If the proposal includes rights of third parties, participants guarantee that they have previously obtained the necessary rights, authorizations and/or licenses, and exonerate the CCCB from any claim regarding this.
They will be responsible for any claim that may arise in relation to the authorship of the proposals and in relation to the rights assigned. To this end, the CCCB reserves the right to take legal action against any person or group for this reason.


Participants declare their authorship and/or to hold the intellectual property rights or license to participate in the Prize in accordance with the provisions of current intellectual property regulation.

The requirement of participating in the Prize entails the free transfer to the CCCB and to the other partner institutions of the exploitation rights on the material submitted to the Prize, in a non-exclusive in a non-exclusive way, for all the countries of the world and until the rights pass into the public domain for the sole purpose of disseminating and promoting it, in any means and any form, in all events or activities related to the Prize and the CCCB (exhibitions, publications, etc.), including its permanent consultation on the website and social networks of the Prize and the CCCB.


For further information, please contact of the Center of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona (CCCB), at Montalegre, 5 (08001) Barcelona.




Place Sainctelette 2
1080 B - Bruxelles

+32 2 421 83 64

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