- publicationsSous la direction de
Denis GielenPublished on 23/10/2011
Jean-François Pirson. Pédagogies de l’espace - Workshops
The architecture cell of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation is launching a new ‘Fenêtre sur’ collection dedicated to disciplines related to architecture [...]
- publications
Published on 31/05/2011
Surélévations en bois
Raising buildings is an excellent opportunity to thermally improve existing buildings and to densify the built environment, in order to reduce both [...]Densifier, assainir, isoler
- publicationsSous la direction de
Maurizio Cohen & Chantal DassonvillePublished on 17/11/2010
Inventories#0 Architectures Wallonie-Bruxelles (2005-2010)
This publication gives an overview of the current architecture situation in Wallonia and Brussels, and comes five years after the publication of the [...]