- publicationsPages: 352 Print-run: 1000 copiesPublisher
19 €ISBN
9782930878157Published on 01/09/2024
Dérivations No. 9
This issue looks at the particular aspects of rural territories and those who live there (both human and non-human) in terms of the political, the sensitive, the cultural and the intimate, in their relationship with the city and the urbanites. We also look at their contacts with the wild and the voices calling for preservation, or at least the preservation of what's left of it.
Dérivations is a magazine that focuses on the city in all its different facets. It provides analysis, research, debate, art criticism and opinion pieces, as well as photography, drawings and comics. Dérivations aims to make the urban world a subject in its own right in French-speaking Belgium, which is clearly losing interest in its major cities.
Dérivations is a forum for debate on the city and its transformations. It has been published on an annual basis since 2015.
It is published in Liège by the non-profit entity urbAgora, with support from the architecture unit of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation and the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Liège.
- actionsDate de l'événement
5/12/2024Published on 28/10/2024
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