- publicationsLanguage: FR Pages: 144 Format: 150 x 190 mmSous la direction de
Pierre HebbelinckPublisher
18 €ISBN
978-2-930525-25-9Published on 22/09/2022
Anderlecht — Molenbeek by Pierre Blondel
The art of Pierre Blondel creates an intermediary space between reality and fiction, a space with an enticing and strange familiarity built through skilfully mastered means that testify to his dual vocation as a writer and architect. His short stories unfold in the neighbourhoods where his future buildings are found, imagined, but not yet built. The reader will be a witness to the architect’s vibrant gaze, which notes the permanent and transitional nature of the city: lives that repeat, but which build the landscape for future generations through the traces they leave behind; the complex desire of individuals to understand their identity through their family background, superimposed on the places and society around them, which are in constant flux; the city itself, which is becoming permanent, without forgetting the past, when the urban environment had not yet lost the ill-defined, green paradise of childhood discovery; the difficult clashes between the suburbs and the city centre, between old residents and new arrivals. All of these themes, which are explored through both media with a sort of detective irony that will surprise the reader, give the familiar feeling of an approaching nostalgia that is specific to life in the city.
Stefan Simion
- actionsDate de l'événement
5/12/2024Published on 28/10/2024
A vos agendas ! Cities Connection Project #7 à Bruxelles
Nous avons le plaisir de vous convier au vernissage de l’exposition Cities Connection Project qui aura lieu le 5 décembre 2024 à 20h30 à la Faculté d [...]
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Inventaires#4 à Paris
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