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Publié le 13/01/2014
Dubai Architecture School Tower Competition
This international competition is to offer an alternative environment for studying and training to acquire the vocational and practical skills and knowledge required to become an Architect within this global city.
The new building should create a strong architectural symbol and statement within the city. Participants are challenged to create and suggest the most desirable vertical educational environment with their design proposal that best serves these students aiming to be part of the unique profession of Architecture.This competition hopes to achieve the following:Encourage and reward design excellence on a large scale which integrates function, structure, detail, etc..
Increase research for design of “vertical†education environments or structures.
Generate discussion and ideas about educational buildings together with the employment of sustainable design consideration.
Offer students an opportunity to experience the best education through the use of the most functional pedagogical tool of which this tower will form an integral part.Winning participants will receive prizes totaling US$ 6,000 with the distribution as follows:
1st PRIZE: US$ 3,500
2nd PRIZE: US$ 1,700
3rd PRIZE: US$ 800
There will also be 7 honorable mentions
- actionsDate de l'événement
5/12/2024Publié le 28/10/2024
A vos agendas ! Cities Connection Project #7 à Bruxelles
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Inventaires#4 à Paris
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