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bartlettprospectivesjournal@ucl.ac.ukPublié le 04/05/2022
Open call: submissions to Prospectives: Issue 03
The academic journal, published by the B-Pro team at The Bartlett School of Architecture, is calling for papers for its third issue.
Prospectives Journal is an open access journal published by B-Pro at The Bartlett School of Architecture. Launched in November 2020, the team are now compiling a ground-breaking third issue, Climate F(r)ictions, curated by Déborah López and Hadin Charbel.
This third issue will explore the implications of technology on humans and ecologies in the era of climate catastrophes and increasing instability. It will ask: can technology be designed and utilised without falling into territorialising tropes? Can AI be used to challenge current production-based economies? How canexisting power structures be subverted? What decisions would nature make if it could govern itself? What kinds of technologies, protocols and policies can afford such autonomy? How would this affect architectural production, design and habitation at individual, urban and larger ecological scales?
The editorial team areinviting submissions from designers, researchers and thinkers. Submissions can focus on either a short positional (1500–2000 words) or research papers (3000–5000 words). Submissions will be peer-reviewed by Prospectives Journal’s Advisory Board.Deadline
The deadline for papers is June 1, 2022, and the new issue of Prospectives will be published on July 29.Submission
To submit papers, please fill inthe online application form and email your submission to bartlettprospectivesjournal [at] ucl.ac.uk with the subject line: “Open Call Submission Prospectives Issue 3SURNAME_POSITIONorRESEARCH PAPER_paper title.”Files should be named in the same manner. All files should be supplied as Word documents, with citations following Vancouver referencing conventions.
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