- publicationsPages: 304 Format: 16,5 x 33 cmSous la direction de
Pierre HebbelinckPrice
30 €ISBN
978-2-930525-16-7Distributor Belgium
AdybooksDistributor Europe
AdybooksPublished on 18/11/2019
Pensées constructives. Architecture suisse alémanique 1980 - 2000
The architecture of German-speaking Switzerland is probably the most important wave in contemporary architecture. Its contribution within the unique context that followed the post-modern crisis of the 1970s is quite significant. For as long as architecture has existed, theory and practice have rarely been so intricately merged into a single productive force. Drawing from the lively inspiration of the thoughts and works of the main protagonists of the period (Peter Zumthor, Diener and Diener, Herzog and de Meuron, Burkhalter and Sumi, Miroslav Šik, Gion A. Caminada, Christian Kerez...), Emeline Curien clearly renders the complexity of a problematic web of incredible semantic richness. Exploring a vast design space, historically structured around the notion of construction, this fascinating book offers the reader a valuable overview. He takes a fresh look at one of the most significant collective contributions to the architecture of our time.
Joseph AbramThis book is published by Fourre-Tout editions and written by Emeline Curien is trained as an architect and completed a thesis in art history. She teaches at ENSA Nancy and is a researcher at LHAC, a laboratory in which she continues her research on contemporary architectural practices. She is the author of the books Gion A. Caminada, S'approcher au plus près des choses (Actes Sud, 2018) et de Pourquoi bâtir encore? Atelier d'architecture Eric Furnémont (Editions de la Province de Liège, 2019).
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